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Title HFNMRC announcement (20170324)
Contents HFNMRC 使用者, 您好,

  1. 為提供並保護HFNMRC內部實驗相關訊息, 四月開始, HFNMRC 核磁共振儀網路預約, 將全面改以login方式進行 :

    Login : 請填寫申請帳號時之email.

    Password: 第一次登入請點選 “forgot password”設定Password.
  2. AVIII850低溫探頭13C channel衰減已送回原廠檢修,目前配置一般TXI探頭 !! 配置一般探頭期間,每小時減免N.T. 60.

Dear HFNMRC users,

  1. Starting April 2017, on-line reservation will require “user login:

    Login : please use the email address on your application form

    Password: please click “forgot password” to set up your password
  2. Please notice that AVIII850 is now equipped with “Room Temperature TXI Probe”!!

Best regards,
Chi-Fon Chang, Ph.D.
Research Specialist
Genomics Research Center
Academia Sinica, Taiwan 11529
TEL: 886-2-2787-1236; 2789-9157
FAX: 886-2-2788-7641; 886-2-2789-8811
Last Updated 20170324
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