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Service Rules

High Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Center, Academia Sinica
Service Policies


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  1. Spectrometers :

    HFNMRC operates and maintains six liquid-state NMR spectrometers

    SpectrometerFromPlaceProbes *Features
    NEO850 **2010IBMS B2TXI_regular
    - The only 850HMz in Academia Sinica.
    AVIII800 **2004IBMS B2TXI_regular
    - The only 800HMz in Academia Sinica.
    - Equipped with auto sampler.
    AVIII6002008IBMS B2TCI_Cryo- Equipped with auto sampler (up to 60 samples).
    NEO600 **2003IBMS B2TXO_Cryo
    - Equipped with auto sampler (up to 24 samples).
    AV600_CHEM2002CHEM B1TBO_regular
    - With Multinuclear Probes , which optimized for X-nuclei detection.
    NEO500 **2009IBMS B2TXI_Cryo
    - The only 19F/31P QNP cryoprobe in Taiwan.
    - Equipped with auto sampler (up to 60 samples).
    * Higher S/N probe will be routinely installed
    ** Console upgraded during 2021-2023
  2. Group Account Application :

    Each research group is assigned a “Group Account” (one account per lab).

  3. User Account Application :

    Individual user should apply for “User Account" for on-line reservation.

  4. Operator Assistant Service :

    One should contact us for details on experiment designed and submit the “Data collection Service form” / “Fragment Based Screening Service form” application form. The submit samples will be assigned to one of our staff members.

  5. Self-Operation :

    Academia users who pass the “operation exam” will be qualified for "self-operation". Only qualified users have the permission to login to spectrometers.

  6. Other Service :

    In case of specific service requirement, please contact us for details.

  7. Reservation Policy :
    1. NEO500, NEO600, AVIII600 and AV600_CHEM :

      Qualified users can book the NMR time on line by themselves. The minimum slot is one hour, and the maximum is 72 hours. A sign up link is available on HFNMRC homepage ( ).

    2. AVIII800 and NEO850 :
      1. By reservation through on-line submission only.
      2. The time request form and schedule information are available on HFNMRC homepage ( ).
      3. Minimum time slot is one hour, and the maximum requested time is one week per NMR in general.
      4. Anything not specifically covered in this policy will be left to the discretion of the HFNMRC manager.
  8. Payment :

    Users should follow the rule of DASIS, Academia Sinica to complete the payment.

  9. Acknowledgement :

    Users should acknowledge the HFNMRC service on their NMR related reports or publications.

    Example on the acknowledgement:

    We thank Academia Sinica High-Field NMR Center (HFNMRC) for technical support; HFNMRC is funded by Academia Sinica Core Facility and Innovative Instrument Project (AS-CFII-111-214).

  10. Service Charge : (2024.01.01)

    Item Academia
    1 500MHz 1 120/hr 300/hr
    2 600MHz 1 140/hr 350/hr
    3 800MHz 1 200/hr 500/hr
    4 850MHz 1 220/hr 550/hr
    5 Small Molecule Data Collection 2 1,000/expt 1,500/expt
    6 Experiment Setup Fee for Macromolecule 2 1,500/expt 2,000/expt
    7 Fragment Based Screening 3
    (data collection)
    70,000/case 100,000/case
    8 Fragment Based Screening 3
    (data collection/processing)
    100,000/case 150,000/case
    * This fee might be adjusted according to the operational status.
    1. In case of regular Room Temperature Probe, reduce N.T.80 per hr.
    2. Set up one experiment within one hour. Data collection only, no data analysis nor interpretation is included. (For Academia, minimum charge unit is 15min/expt.)
    3. Follow existing Fragment Library SOP in HFNMRC. Please find “Fragment Based Screening Service” application form for details. Should you need other services, please contact us.
    4. Customized service is available, please contact us for details.
    This rules are implemented after the user committee has passed it, and the same applies to the amendment.

( Last updated: 3 Jan. 2024 )
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Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value. — Albert Einstein