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Title 2019 NMR Users Workshop - Steps for Protein NMR Structure Determination

高磁場核磁共振中心擬於2019年8月14-16日舉辦為期三天的Protein NMR教育訓練課程. 此次課程規劃, 不講深奧原理, 只講技巧跟步驟, 以中文為主, 大家一起Step by Step (從樣品準備, 圖譜蒐集, 圖譜分析, 結構計算) 以"學長姐經驗傳授”的概念進行. 希望讓無論有沒有NMR經驗的與會者,都能淺嚐以NMR來決定蛋白質結構的趣味 ~~ 歡迎轉知有興趣瞭解Protein NMR的同儕, 舊雨新知共同來討論!!詳細資訊請參考附件或workshop報名網頁。

Workshop link :

  • Useful Experiments for Protein NMR
  • Protein Production and Labeling
  • NMR Data Collection & Processing using Topspin
  • Protein Resonance Assignment using Sparky
  • Protein Structure Calculation using CYANA
  • Protein Structure Display using MOLMOL

Language: 中文主講


2019 NMR Users Workshop will be held on Aug.14-16 in Academia Sinica. This 3-day Workshop is aimed to share Protein NMR experience on sample preparation, data collection, data processing and structure calculation. Lectures will be in Chinese (handout in English). For more information please see attached pdf or visit the Registration Webpage

Workshop link :

  • Useful Experiments for Protein NMR
  • Protein Production and Labeling
  • NMR Data Collection & Processing using Topspin
  • Protein Resonance Assignment using Sparky
  • Protein Structure Calculation using CYANA
  • Protein Structure Display using MOLMOL

Language: Chinese
Date Aug. 14-16, 2019
Registration Deadline Aug. 8, 2019
Places IBMS, Academia Sinica
Files 2019NMRUsersWorkshop.pdf
Last Updated 20190722
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