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Title 2020 NMR Training Course II - NMR as a tool for Metabolomics
Contents 近年來,NMR已成為分析代謝體的重要工具之一,各種處理代謝體數據的方法也因應而生。此次特別邀請長庚大學健康老化研究中心,代謝體學核心實驗室駱啟仁博士分享他多年的代謝體分析經驗!希望藉由此次課程,讓大家瞭解如何利用核磁共振研究代謝體相關課題及處理代謝體的NMR Data 的流程。歡迎大家踴躍參與此次簡介訓練課程!!

Recently, NMR becomes one of the most common analytical tools in metabolomics research. We are happy to invite Dr. Chi-Jen Lo(Metabolomics Core Lab in Healthy Aging Research Center, Chang Gung University) to share his experience on Metabolomics NMR studies and Data analysis SOP.
Date Nov. 30th, 2020
Registration Deadline Nov. 23th, 2020
Places IBMS, Academia Sinica
Last Updated 20201103
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Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. — Thomas Edison