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Title Attention: 高磁場核磁共振中心防疫須知 (HFNMRC Safety Precautions)
Contents Dear HFNMRC Users,
因應新冠肺炎疫情挑戰,希望在NMR實驗室努力的伙伴都能安心無慮工作,除原先放置消毒酒精供使用者使用外,即日起核心人員每天都會清潔門把、桌面、鍵盤、滑鼠、電話、sample gauge 及 spinner。
  • 進入NMR實驗室前,及離開NMR實驗室後,請務必確實洗手!
  • 除非必要(ex:進行實驗,送樣品),避免到NMR實驗室,或在NMR 實驗室群聚(待疫情過後,再歡迎大家隨時來交流)
  • 實驗相關討論,除非必要,改以電話或Email 進行為主!
  • 進入NMR 實驗室請佩戴口罩
大家加油,我們一起守護自己與他人的安全!! 謝謝合作!!

中央研究院 高磁場核磁共振中心 2020.03.22

Dear HFNMRC Users,
Your health is our top priority and we want to make sure everybody stays safe while using NMR. Facility staff will sanitize the keyboard, the mouse, the door knobs, telephone, the sample gauge, spinner and desk every morning. However, NMR lab is a shared facility, thus we need everyone to practice the following safety precautions in the NMR lab:
  • Wash your hands BEFORE Entering and AFTER Leaving NMR Room.
    (This is very important since you will touch things used by everybody.)
  • Avoid visiting NMR Room if you are not collecting data or delivering samples, and no more unnecessary gathering in NMR Room.
  • Unless necessary, Data Discussion by phone or Email.
  • Please wear MASK in NMR Room.
Stay safe, we should overcome!! Thank you for your cooperation!!

HFNMRC, Academia Sinica 2020.03.22
Files NMR_User_20200322_SafetyPrecautions.pdf
Last Updated 20200322
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Every great achievement of science, are bold fantasy as the starting point. — John Dewey