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Title 2022 NMR Training Course I - NMR as a tool for Nature Product Studies
Contents NMR是分析天然物的重要工具之一, 然而如何克服天然物濃度及純度問題是一大考驗. 此次特別邀請化學所吳英彥博士介紹各種有利於天然物分析的NMR實驗方法, 生化所林曉青博士則將分享天然物NMR 圖譜分析的技巧. 歡迎大家踴躍參與此次訓練課程!!

In this training course, we are happy to invite Dr. Ying-Yen Wu (Institute of Chemistry) and Dr. Hsiao-Ching Lin (Institute of Biological Chemistry) to share their experience on Nature Products studies and Data analysis SOP.

Date April 27th, 2022
Registration Deadline April 20th, 2022
Last Updated 20220408
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